Friday, October 19, 2012

Coping with Stress |

I have a confession to make.? I had a mini melt-down last night.? Not that there?s anything wrong with that.? For me, melt downs are the exception and not the rule.? So, why did I have a mini melt-down?

Well, like everyone else, I too have my share of stress and with the way the world and life is, we have a lot to be stressed about.

I do consider myself to be a very strong person.? I do my best to always think positive, be positive, persevere and never give up, never lose hope and never lose faith.?

Yet, there I was, in my car, driving home at the end of a long day and out of no-where, I had a melt- down.? I guess there was (to quote Rocky Balboa) ?stuff in the basement? that needed to be released and once I let go of that energy, I was good to go.?

So, how did I manage my mini break down?

This is how I cope with stress

Before I went to bed last night, I decided to focus my thoughts on all the positive things that I am grateful and thankful for and to reinforce this, I put in the movie, The Secret, to fall asleep to.?

This morning I awoke to a new a day grateful that I get to live my passion serving others, helping them improve their health and fitness along with the quality of their lives.?

After working with my first client of the day, I proceeded to do my workout, plugged into my music and getting lost in the music while challenging my body with each and every rep of every set I did of every exercise.? For me, working out has always been a way of keeping stress at bay, and today?s workout was no exception.? When I finished my workout, my mind was clear and I felt energized and re-charged.?

For me, listening to music has always been my form of meditation.? When I listen to music, I get lost in it and it quiets my mind which is one of the reasons why I always listen to music when I workout.?

Those rare times when the stresses of life build up and come boiling over, I was never one turn to food and alcohol to de-stress and to cope.? Instead, I tap into the mind-body-spirit connection and through music, spirituality, meditation, and exercise.

A strong body=A healthy mind + The Ability to Succeed and Triumph in Life

Being in a state of chronic stress is not only not good for your health, but can also destroy your mind, and spirit.? Regardless of how crazy and out of control the world and life can be at times, the methodology you use to de-stress and cope with it can either build you up, or bring you down even more, which is why it is so important to take care of your physical self through exercise and eating foods that contribute to your health and fitness and take care of your mind through spirituality and meditation.

At the end of the day, do the best you can to stay positive, stay strong in mind, body and spirit 8-)


For more information on this topic, check out my article Societal Stress ? The New Norm That?s Killing Us


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